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Freedom To Vote Act

Freedom to Vote Act: Protecting Voting Rights and Ensuring Election Integrity

Voter Registration and Access

The Freedom to Vote Act aims to enhance voter registration and increase access to the ballot box. It includes provisions for same-day voter registration, automatic voter registration, and restoration of voting rights for individuals with felony convictions.

Election Integrity and Security

To ensure the integrity and security of elections, the Act addresses issues such as voter identification requirements, provisional ballots, and the role of federal observers. It also strengthens protections against voter intimidation and interference.

Redistricting and Campaign Finance

The Act seeks to prevent partisan gerrymandering, a practice where electoral maps are drawn to favor a particular party. It also includes provisions to limit the influence of money in politics, such as restrictions on campaign spending and disclosure of campaign finance.

Standardizing Voting Laws and Expanding Access

The Freedom to Vote Act would standardize voting laws across the country, making it easier for citizens to vote regardless of their location. It would significantly expand voting access by providing for early voting, mail-in voting, and online voter registration.

Protecting Voting Rights

The Act is designed to protect the fundamental right to vote. It prohibits any attempts to deny or suppress the vote, such as paying or offering to pay someone not to vote. It also safeguards the rights of minority voters and individuals with disabilities.


The Freedom to Vote Act is a comprehensive effort to address key issues in the electoral process. By protecting voting rights, ensuring the integrity of elections, and expanding access to the ballot box, this bill aims to strengthen our democracy and empower all eligible citizens to participate in the electoral process.

Data For Progress

Data For Progress
